As the South Powers Blvd PEL Study progresses, the reports, exhibits, corridor mapping and public outreach exhibits will be posted here for public viewing, review and comment.
•Alternatives Development and Evaluation
•Planning and Environmental Linkages Report
•Access Control Plan

The South Powers Blvd PEL Study completed the Existing Conditions Report in Spring of 2023. This report reviews the following:
The history of the corridor
Existing land use of the study area
Existing traffic conditions and safety considerations for the transportation network within the study area
Environmental resources present in the area, and steps to avoid or mitigate for impacts to these resources
The purpose of completing the Existing Conditions report was to better understand the needs and goals of the proposed corridor, and to collect data that will be used in the Alternatives Analysis process.
At the conclusion of the Existing Conditions Report, the Project Team collaborated with project stakeholders, and representatives of local agencies, to develop a Purpose & Need statement for the proposed corridor. The Purpose and Need statement is the most important section of the Environmental document and establishes the reason why an agency is proposing a project. The Purpose & Need and Goals were approved by the Federal Highways Association (FHWA) in February of 2023, so that they may be used in future NEPA processes.
Information collected from the Existing Conditions Report as well as future land use, approved developments, and stakeholder input was used to develop alternative alignments for the corridor. A wide range of corridor alignments were evaluated to determine how well they addressed the needs of the area.